The body’s intelligent warning signals…


The first sign of “disease” … is far from the first sign, it’s a serious warning sign… if your body is showing symptoms which warrant a “disease” label, realize this… your “disease” has been building & accumulating within for 10-40 years… it didn’t just happen overnight & you did not catch it somewhere (except from maybe your parents if they had toxic bodies upon conception)…

Once the body reaches the stage of systemic acidosis (head to toe) the body can no longer eliminate the lymphatic waste through the bodies eliminative channels & it backs up…your body gives that final warning –


Most disease has the same root cause involved – years of wrong dietary fuel for the body ….disease is a warning to change your everyday habits, or suffer the consequences…


Oddly enough, many individuals would opt for surgery or pharmaceuticals to suppress & mask the symptoms over a “radical” diet change for detoxification & healing purposes in order to heal…


It’s unbelievable to the average person that we can heal our health issues if we create the correct conditions – because we’ve been bombarded with complicated study after study… we’ve been saturated with complicated medical terminology, misleading scientific “facts” & chemical drugs…


Humans have carried on terrible dietary habits that slowly degenerate the body overtime in the name of tradition, and under the guise of health….


How did we go so wrong? Why are we seeing health issues worse now than ever – if our ancestors have been eating this way for thousands of years?


Because with each passing generation, the encumbrance levels of the human organism become worse… babies inherit the mother’s lymphatic system, therefore each generation has not only their own accumulated health issues to contend with that are brought on by their dietary indiscretions to reverse, but the encumbrances passed on through birth from the parents…Babies are born these days with cancer, allergies, & serious degenerative issues due to this widely overlooked truth…


So, when disease rears its ugly head, we have two choices… take the allopathic route which will suppress the symptoms to deal with later on, or to heal the root cause through the reversal of current habits and choices  (the allopathic community will not address diet as they would lose their authority & monetary source)


Just remember, there is no magic pill…pharmaceuticals drive the symptoms deep within, as they numb the nervous system, they numb that pain that your body wants you to feel for good reason…

pharmaceuticals lie to the body, they deceive the mind…

Truth has one recognizable trait that no lie can match …. Simplicity….



Heal Thy Self…Healthy Self

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