My Health Blog

Food poisoning / Fruit/Vegetable Recalls We are always hearing scary news stories about people becoming sick or dying from “salmonella” poisoning or “food” poisoning which creates fear, panic, food shortages and anxiety among the general public. So what is truly going on? First of all, I hope you realize by now that mainstream news outlets […]

The marketing was well done when it comes to promoting the use of oils. Did you know that in the past, before I discovered our Natural Diet I worked for a “healthy oil company”? I was involved in marketing and trade shows showcasing our oily products. My boss was apparently the first guy to cold […]

Nightshades and lectins have received a bad reputation for being the cause of health issues, however, when we dive deeper we can clearly see that they are not the root cause for why people experience pain and inflammation.

I give thanks to everyone for their ongoing support over the years, I couldn’t have written this book without it.

Juicing and smoothies have gained a lot of popularity among health enthusiasts, however, are they as healthy as most people tend to believe?