My Health Blog

Juicing and smoothies have gained a lot of popularity among health enthusiasts, however, are they as healthy as most people tend to believe?

I’m reading this book titled “How to Prolong Life” by Charles Watkyns de Lacy, Evans which I think was written in 1897 because there is a handwritten inscription with that date, otherwise there is no date that I can find in the book. It’s obvious by the language that it was written long ago. I […]

Hello everyone, A post on the topic “Menopause” has been requested, so I put some information together here that I feel may be helpful to our understanding on why Menopause can occur, and what we can do (or not do) to put the correct conditions in place to eliminate, or lower the severity of the […]

When we buy processed products such as nut/plant milks from the store, our health takes a hit. Yes, we are doing better by not choosing dairy, however, with the amount of preservatives and unnecessary & health harming ingredients contained in these store bought plant milks, I would say that it’s criminal to be allowing these […]

What is required of us to achieve longevity? Through my experience and research on this topic it appears to be the exact opposite to what most people believe. If I told you what I think is required of us to achieve longevity and a healthy life, you may say that I am crazy! Good thing […]