My Health Blog

I give thanks to everyone for their ongoing support over the years, I couldn’t have written this book without it.

The inflammation, cold, flu, or other symptoms expressed by the body is the healing process! We may perceive taking a harmful herb such as Garlic as “helping” the body out with “healing” the cold or flu symptoms but that’s not the reality of what’s happening, quite the opposite. A cold or flu IS the body […]

This morning I’ve been Thinking how we are so conditioned and taught to believe by the medical industry that our body can turn on us at any time and attack, harm or kill us. This is backwards thinking, it is the opposite of reality. I’m reading some of Herbert Shelton’s writings on this subject and […]

Getting on track can be a challenge at times. This is why I am assisting with the 30 day Terrain Diet Challenge for the month of November on Facebook. Please join us…

Homesteading Part 2 This is a continuation from last weeks Homesteading post if you want click this link to read it. We had just left the farm, and had moved to a friends orchard in our tiny home/trailer to take on the responsibility of maintaining their orchard of pears, apples, cherries, nectarines and peaches, and […]