My Health Blog

What is disease? Does disease develop from a dirty inner terrain? How do we know if our terrain is dirty or clean? For starters, at the very least, when we learn, and stop eating the foods that build disease and a toxic/dirty inner terrain, then we know (at the very least) that we are no […]

A good 30-60 years of wrong foods & our bodies had enough… The body becomes overburdened, systemically backed up with toxins, mucus , acids, foreign chemistry while struggling to keep itself in balance…Edema (swelling of tissue) is when the body is holding onto water. In this case, interstitially water is held to buffer acids in […]

Fruits 🍌 do not heal the body… The body heals the body… However, for the body to heal the body, We must create the correct conditions… Digestion is a complex task for the body… Digestion uses life force energy that could otherwise be put towards healing ….That is our call… The Digestion of complex chemistry […]
Fruits 🍌 do not heal the body… The body heals the body… But for the body to heal the body, It needs silence, rest, stillness, correct conditions… Digestion is a difficult task for the body… Digestion of complex chemistry (high protein foods) requires life force, the bodies energy…. If the body is digesting, it is […]