My Health Blog

I’m reading this book titled “How to Prolong Life” by Charles Watkyns de Lacy, Evans which I think was written in 1897 because there is a handwritten inscription with that date, otherwise there is no date that I can find in the book. It’s obvious by the language that it was written long ago. I […]
Coffee & Stimulants Coffee is arguably one of the most difficult substances to eliminate from the diet. Coffee is a stimulant which drains our nerve energy. Check out the files section for an article to read on Coffee, Tea and Cocoa, it’s quite interesting. Herbert Shelton once said “Life should be built on the conservation […]

A good 30-60 years of wrong foods & our bodies had enough… The body becomes overburdened, systemically backed up with toxins, mucus , acids, foreign chemistry while struggling to keep itself in balance…Edema (swelling of tissue) is when the body is holding onto water. In this case, interstitially water is held to buffer acids in […]
THE TRUE HEALING ART. By: R.T. TRALL, M.D. Published in New York in 1880! If you haven’t read from the beginning of the book (post #1), I am posting this book in small increments – feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel to listen to this book as I read… Post #9 “ In approaching […]