My Health Blog

The inflammation, cold, flu, or other symptoms expressed by the body is the healing process! We may perceive taking a harmful herb such as Garlic as “helping” the body out with “healing” the cold or flu symptoms but that’s not the reality of what’s happening, quite the opposite. A cold or flu IS the body […]

Fractionation We often hear about alkaline foods vs acidic foods – yet these words are used in different contexts, and it appears that a great number of people in the health movement believe that if a food such as a lemon is acidic, than it’s acidic within the body. The acidity/alkalinity of food within is […]

Homesteading Part 2 This is a continuation from last weeks Homesteading post if you want click this link to read it. We had just left the farm, and had moved to a friends orchard in our tiny home/trailer to take on the responsibility of maintaining their orchard of pears, apples, cherries, nectarines and peaches, and […]

My thoughts and Review of “The Mucusless Diet Healing System!” cont’d Bit by bit, paragraph by paragraph, this is truly an eye opening book… I’ll leave any thoughts or comments of my own to the end… If you haven’t read the previous pages reviews you can jump to them here: 1- My thoughts and review […]

My thoughts and review of the Mucusless Diet Healing System Bit by bit, paragraph by paragraph, this is truly an eye opening book… I’ll leave any thoughts or comments of my own to the end… If you haven’t read the previous pages reviews you can jump to them here: 1- We create our Health 2- […]