My Health Blog

What is required of us to achieve longevity? Through my experience and research on this topic it appears to be the exact opposite to what most people believe. If I told you what I think is required of us to achieve longevity and a healthy life, you may say that I am crazy! Good thing […]

What Happens if you eat fruits for a month? So here I am, I’ve got a week left of my month long “Juicy Fruit Cleanse”. I must say, this is the first fruit cleanse (I’ve been doing them off & on for 7 years) where I didn’t have to deal with any cravings for other […]
Hand Sanitizers are all the rage these days, it seems that people cannot get enough of them. Under the guise of protection from a “virus”, these sanitizers have become a commodity in the eyes of the general public. After studying the ingredients in the most popular brands, I can’t help but wonder, are they addictive, […]
Three meals a day has been normalized & taught as part of a healthy lifestyle… It is not uncommon to eat a large breakfast, a moderate sized lunch and a large dinner with snacks in-between meals. I feel three meals a day maybe beneficial for commercial reasons rather than health reasons. Our bodies benefit with […]