Ramblings of a Fruit Lover… A short story about me
I’m on Day 4 of my juice cleanse ( SOLID FOOD VACATION)
Juices that I’m drinking are orange, melon, grape
Why? Digestive rest for healing, ultimate hydration, rest
Thoughts: I will always incorporate juice cleanses, intermittent fasting, day fasts, fresh whole fruits indefinitely, this is my life, this is what’s healed me & I am forever grateful…it’s been 6 years & eliminating animal meats, products & disease promoting foods is one of the 2 best decisions that I’ve made in my life, hands down!
Will I ever eat other foods?
The odd time, in social situations, yet if I do, it’s 💯 vegan & I keep my choices within the fruit & vegetable kingdom … I usually feel off after eating other foods outside of fruits & enter into a day fast, or juice cleanse as a reset when I stray – like recently!
My sister was visiting & we had tahini & some hummus on our salads 2 nights in a row… I ate larger meals than I normally would, this may not seem like a big deal, yet nuts & seeds are complex foods, they don’t digest well, especially when one is primarily accustomed to watery rich foods (nuts/seeds are acid forming, concentrated fats & proteins)… I enjoyed the moment & tastes knowing i would pay a small price…
Now a little Subject change…
I find juice cleanses easy when the sun shines hot- such as the last few days… I love the heat & I never use air conditioning… if an individual eats mostly acid forming foods & deals with internal toxicity, mucus & obstructions, they will find that they do not tolerate heat well & burn in the ☀️ & to add insult to injury, these individuals often slather on more toxicity named sunscreen to compensate for what should be addressed internally…
Now is the question, POOR HEALTH: When do you accept it ?
Why do people accept their poor health so easily? They state that they burn easily, so they must wear toxins… why don’t people dig deeper? Ask themselves why they burn while others do not… nature plays no favourites, nature is what it is – for a reason… if we violate the laws of nature & eat non health promoting foods regularly, we are going to pay a price, nobody can escape these laws- yet many do not recognize their imbalances & personal health issues as any sort of problem because everyone ( Now a Days ) has them…
We’ve accepted the unnatural human condition and state of Health as normal… our perceptions of a healthy human have become distorted through the eyes of media, unhealthy people everywhere & propaganda… there’s a negative term that was coined, “orthorexia” purposefully created to single out & put down the individual who focuses on health…to make them look bad and nerdy… the herd is going in the other direction…
Humanity has strayed so far from our natural origins & the diet we were designed to eat, that it’s come to the point where many humans actually fear eating the Healthy foods we were designed for – because highly toxic bodies have short term issues with natural foods such as fruits! (This changes the longer you go)
I truly believe that the root cause for all of humanities pain & suffering stems from the internal human condition… show me anyone that’s done something ugly or terrible toward another, or in life, & I can almost guarantee that person is dealing with an acidic condition complete with mucus, candida, parasites, Mold, pharmaceutical use, excess waste, etc…
Show me any child that is disruptive, deals with behavioural issues, neurological issues, etc & I can guarantee there is a reason once examining diet & choices…
Every word, action, decision, thought, reaction, etc., all stem from ones internal condition…
If you are on foods that we are not designed to eat, you are not yourself…judgement is clouded…
Yet most people cannot see this, until they step outside of it…I WAS THERE, Believe me…
The blind continues to lead the blind…
Confusion prevails in a world that continues to pass on poor health generation after generation & glorify it while they are at it…
It all begins & ends with you. You want a better world? Begin with yourself… it sounds absurd now, yet as you clean up your inner terrain & release toxicity, everything around you will improve as well…
As above, so below… reflections …
Mariah 🌞 Heal Thyself
Healthy self…
#fruitarian #juicecleanse #juicing #detox #fruitsheal #dairyisscary #proteinmyth #sunburn #sunshine #sunheals #fruitsforlife #cleansing #healing