Fear Is Harmful To Health

I view sunglasses in the same sort of light as I view masks, it’s a direct assault on the bodies natural functions, preventing our body from operating as it was designed to…

The eyes and their light absorbing capabilities play a integral role in our daily overall health…

Similar to the breathe, and the ability to expel toxins freely, interference through masking  only serves to harm…

Masks are bacteria cesspools & they cause the user to re-breathe expelled waste (carbon dioxide) back into the body, additionally they restrict air flow, restrict our breath & reduce oxygen intake…

Our fear of the SUNS “harmful” rays is another program foisted upon humanity and a Symptom of a deeper root cause …

Ignorance created sunscreen, masks & sunglasses to mask the symptoms of a deeper root cause…


We are taught that the sun causes cancer,  which is a half truth…

An acidic terrain within the body must already be present in order for the sun to have a negative effect on the body, yet it is not the sun that is causing the disease, it’s that which created the environment beforehand contributing to the acidic condition we label “cancer” that is the true root cause…

Cancer, or any disease condition forms as a result- the bio-accumulation of toxins, acids/mucus within from years of poor diet, environmental factors & lifestyle choices…

We are not unlucky… cancer, viruses, etc. do not suddenly attack healthy individuals, these conditions develop within, they build overtime, nature works slow & steady towards your direction of choice…You create your own condition…

And masking, sunglasses & sunscreen will only serve to worsen that self created condition under the guise of benefit to the individual…

Acidic, mucus filled bodies seek the cool, and often reject the heat – heat is uncomfortable to the acidic individual (heat on heat)…

The sun has no a negative effect on a healthy, alkaline, individual. The sun is highly beneficial and should be celebrated …

Why do we burn?

Why does the sun appear to be the cause of damage to some individuals, but not all?

Similar to “the flu”, not everyone “develops” the “flu” upon contact because how your body functions is entirely dependent  on your inner terrain…

The sun is not the enemy & neither is another individual in elimination mode (cold or flu like symptoms) WE are our own worst enemy, if you fear anything, do not place that fear on an outside source, it’s all from within, that fear should be directed at yourself…

Fear that which you refuse to acknowledge & apply…

The sun is acidic by nature, yet it functions in a symbiotic relationship with an alkaline body & all natural life, the way nature originally intended…

The sun will expose an acidic body-  which is where sun burns occur…

The sun will compliment a healthy individual eating the foods we were designed to eat, living a natural lifestyle….

The majority of humans have created internal acidic terrains for themselves through their acid forming diets (meats, eggs, milks, white breads, fatty/processed & packaged foods)…

When acidic bodies come into contact with the sun, they burn, they react, nature sends out very clear messages when we are not supplying the body with proper needs/nutrients/hydration/fuel…

A sunburn is a message, much like pain & disease are messages from the body to change our habits…correct imbalance

Acid on acid is a painful recipe…

With chemotherapy (another assault on the human body) acids are applied to an already acidic condition of the body, which then bio-accumulates, burns, dehydrates, harms, & causes additional internal damage to cells, internal tissue, organs & glands…

Chemotherapy is famous for shrinking (dehydrating) tumours? What they don’t tell you is that it also dehydrates & shrinks all your other vital organs & glands… It’s destructive…It’s adding insult to injury …

Fighting a hostile condition, with hostile treatments, is accepted allopathic / medical lunacy…

My skin once burned quite easily…

I thought it was because I had fair skin…I blamed my genetics & skin tone (created through our choices as well)

In reality, my fair skin was a result of my internal state, which was in a state of systemic acidosis – I was full of mucus & toxins & my pale skin tone reflected this reality… My skin tone changed along with my diet over the years, they go hand in hand…

I once used toxic sunscreens & I wouldn’t go anywhere without my sunglasses…

Now I see sunglasses as a telling sign…

Sunscreen contains harmful chemicals – if you must avoid the sun, cover up with clothing, seek shade, these are sound practices

Light sensitivity (squinting) is another symptom revealing that your body is overly acidic…liver issues…

Sunglasses create additional harm to ones health … Sunglasses inhibit our retinas from absorbing the full light spectrum & they do not allow our bodies to secret the hormone vitamin D… Squinting and light sensitivity will become  a thing of the past once the body is relatively clean through a natural diet…

It was not until I discovered these dietary truths that I was able to test them on my own body for verification…

Over the years I expelled a lot of mucus, parasites, acids, fungus & toxins through dietary & lifestyle changes….

The heat is taxing/exhausting for acidic bodies, they crave cool, they crave air conditioning to sooth the inflammation/fire  within, caused by acids…

Healthy dietary /lifestyle choices is the true remedy for all that ails you…patience & time is required to experience results…If you opt for masks, sunglasses, sunscreens or any unnatural practices, you’re only prolonging the inevitable and remedy is not found this way…

Mariah 🍓 Heal Thyself
Healthy Self…

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