FATS: Health promoting or not ?

High Fat Diets are Not Health Promoting… WHY NOT?

It seems that high fat diets are very popular for various reasons, but are they healthy?

Why are people drawn to diets such as the Ketogenic Diet, Paleo, high fat raw Vegan or high fat vegan diets?

One reason that people are drawn to high fat diets is because not only are fats comforting, they are also anti- inflammatory which serves to ease our pain & inflammatory pains, however, it is only temporary & although fats offer some relief in this regard, it comes with a price to your health. Yes, fats have an anti- inflammatory effect on those who suffer with inflammatory issues such as arthritis, cystitis, colitis, bursitis, bronchitis, dermatitis, etc., yet fats do not heal the root cause as to why they are suffering with the inflammatory condition to begin with. Any condition or diseases that end in ITIS is an inflammatory condition, mostly created through the consumption of acid forming foods over the years. Acids burn and elicit a mucus response. Too much mucus is another problem for human health. When a certain food type is “acid forming”, it simply means that the food is dense, complex & often a high protein food source for example that the body must invoke acids such as hydrochloric acid to help break that complex chemistry down. When we ingest acid forming foods regularly, acids will build up throughout the body, causing inflammatory issues in localized area’s (hence the name) such as the ones mentioned above.
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, an acidic food is based on the ash that is produced after the combustion of foods under laboratory conditions, which mimicks the digestive process. After breaking the food down, the cells will utilize what they can, and a chemical reaction takes place in our body. Animal protein for example, leaves an acid ash residue within, whereas plant protein or amino acids leave an alkaline ash residue within. Acids are responsible for creating the pain we often feel, yet this pain develops slowly overtime as the acids build within the body – that by the time pain is felt in localized areas of the body, it’s tough to pinpoint exactly what caused the pain, or where it came from. If you understand which foods acid are forming, and which foods have an alkaline ash residue, it makes perfect sense, and the pain one is experiencing is no longer a mystery to heal.
When we ingest fats, such as we do with high fat diets, they can offer temporary comfort and relief for our inflammation, yet it is not a solution. The more fats that we eat, the less energy we will have because less oxygen gets to the cells. High fat diets become very problematic overtime, leading to malabsorption issues because fats coat intestines and cells thus blocking cellular absorption and respiration.
It seems that most experts these days are recommending high fat diets, and the popular term they love to use is “healthy fats”. In my opinion, if fats are to be eaten at all, they should only be sourced from whole plant foods such as avocado’s, coconuts or olives for example, and in moderation, we do not want to be eating them daily.

if health is the goal. Eating fats from oils, supplements or processed foods are not true fat sources from Nature. Have you ever poured fats down your drain? Have you ever poured healthy fats down your drain? We tend to avoid doing this due to how clogging and constipating fats are to the drainpipes, so why on earth do people think that fats are health promoting in the human body? As mentioned, if fats are to be consumed, the best source is the whole plant fats because the oils that we tend to consume, and that are marketed as healthy to the general public, are concentrated fats, isolates, not in their natural form. When we consume high fat diets, we create a lipid overload in our blood stream that can block the cells ability to uptake glucose.

My motto is: ” to never put on your skin, something that you wouldn’t eat”   because it ends up in the same channels to be assimilated by the blood & oils and fats are clogging to the pores.

So why would we want to consume high fat diets? To cover up and mask our inflammatory conditions with a substance that essentially supresses the symptoms?

It seems that many people interpret the anti-inflammatory effects from fats with healing, and the temporary relief one experiences is enough for people to believe that fats are beneficial – yet overtime, other health issues will be created through the consumption of fats on a regular basis. What is interesting is that fats are part of the 3 major components that all foods possess to one degree or another. Foods are comprised of Fats, Carbohydrates (sugars) and proteins (amino acids), and fruits and vegetables contain the perfect amounts of fats, carbohydrates & amino acids in ratio’s that are in line with our body’s true requirements. When we consume foods that are not in line with our body’s true requirements, such as meats, eggs, dairy and complex or processed foods, they create imbalance and obstructions within. If we wish to heal our inflammatory conditions and health issues, fats are not a solution but a mere band aid effect. True health is found through regenerative detoxification which is more about what we eliminate rather than what we take. Detoxification for healing takes time and knowledge of the process because every individual requires an individual approach depending on their current condition, situation and willingness.

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True health shouldn’t be over complicated to understand or to obtain. Every animal on this planet knows how to care and feed themselves except humans because we have been saturated in a sea of misinformation when it comes to what a health promoting diet is for human health.

Happy Healing Everyone

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