
this post may upset those who live under the illusion that a diet high in protein is the key for longevity & a healthful existence –  despite the fact that individuals are sick and dealing with many forms of health issues that stem from roughly the same cause – wrong foods/chemistry for our physiology which creates internal toxicity issues overtime…one of the major culprits in our poor health?  The high protein / complex / acid forming foods that humanity has grown so accustomed to…

About 7 years ago I lived on a 7 acre farm where we produced our foods from the animals we were raising, we took raw milk from our Jersey, we ate our chickens eggs & animals had to be killed for their meat which at the time, we thought was health promoting…

Often our meals were all foods produced from the land..(meats, yogurts, cheese, homemade mayonnaise, eggs, etc). You see, we were conscious enough to want to know exactly what went on behind our food and to want to do it all ourselves, yet we hadn’t woken up to the fact that no matter how animals are raised, none of it is actually health promoting within.

I convinced myself at that point in time that we were eating the healthiest foods on the planet because they were all locally raised, organic and the happiest of animals (up until the point that they had to die)…

I was at my worst health wise living there while convincing myself I was healthier than most 35 year olds… I had regular bouts of depression, migraines, insomnia, cysts on my body, edema, sore muscles, severe anxiety at times, rashes, poor memory, dry skin,  & so much more…

But all these issues are normal, right? Especially in your 30s, everyone deals with health issues, it’s part of “growing older” – how utterly wrong this programming is, complete bs…

One thing I could never wrap my head around was how much work and hardship it was just to produce these foods & to make a living from the land… have you ever milked a cow? Killed a chicken or a pig? It’s insanity & there is absolutely no “humane” way to go about murder…I guarantee if you had to do it yourself, you would loose the taste for dead animal flesh unless your  within toxicity is so great that you are not even yourself anymore…This last line would only make sense to someone who has rid their body of parasites, fungal issues and internal toxicity to some degree.

When I discovered that meats were acid forming and ingesting them regularly slowly degenerates the human body over time, or, when I uncovered how detrimental milk is for our physiology due to its mucus forming properties (and we are not baby cows therefor it was not designed with human health in mind) causing  calcium loss from the body- or when I found out how eggs are highly constipating, high in protein and stick like glue to your intestines, I was relieved actually – that I no longer had to live like that anymore…It’s just a lot of work, pain & hardship for what?  What it boiled down to was that I was personally contributing to death & unnecessary pain around me which didn’t come without a price…I was putting my own health on the line & living somewhat of a lie. 

You see, unless you are out there raising animals to kill & eat, or collecting the eggs, or milking the cow, you do not see what goes on behind producing these products that most humans are programmed to believe are healthy human food… The screams, the silence, the energy, the blood, the pain….It was a socially accepted nightmare…Deep down I always knew it was wrong yet I continued because I was taught these were the healthy foods & because others around me encouraged young farmers to keep going. 

Purchasing a pre-packaged chunk of meat, a jug of milk, or a carton of eggs from your local grocery store, or farm removes you from reality, it disconnects you from the truth & it normalizes the insanity of it all….even when people came down to the farm to pick up their jug of raw milk, they never paid attention to the cow that produced it for them or knew that someone was up at 6 am milking that cow – causing that cow to produce even more milk to feed her young & some greedy humans…

I guarantee that if you had to kill animals & milk cows yourself, it would become quite a different story & often one will come to see that it is all an illusion, normalized and heavily subsidized and pushed on us…What truly happens in society when society follows mainstream dietary guidelines?  They become sick, dependent on the medical & pharmaceutical industry and lifelong customers…not only that, but they pass on their health issues & poor dietary habits & dependencies onto their children…then they become a burden to their children & society later on in life…

Eating animals & their byproducts simply because your parents & grandparents did is a classic case of the blind leading the blind…

Once I discovered how these particular foods (I once thought were healthy) were in fact slowly damaging my organs & glands & degenerating my health, causing  me pain & suffering, I just had to end it, let go, move on, make some big changes.

we found good homes for all of our animals (where they weren’t to be eaten by uninformed humans) we cut out meats, salts, grains, eggs & dairy overnight…we left the farm…we moved into a tiny mobile home which we parked on a friends organic fruit orchard…

My health issues began to resolve…my migraines slowly disappeared & I could function again… I began sleeping, my skin cleared, my body went through so many changes that Today, I am an improved version mentality, physically & emotionally of my former self…and I am still working on myself…

Yes there is an adjustment period, but that’s what a transition diet is for… you state that you love your “bacon” & “cheese” but it is not you that loves these unnatural substances, for they are not truly human foods, it’s the parasites, societal programming, addictions, fungus & internal toxicity that loves these “foods”…

We humans are designed for certain foods which hydrate, cleanse & feed our cells… animal products & starchy foods do neither …

Long ago we began to eat foods that harm our health; therefore we built hospitals and rely on pharmaceuticals to compensate…

Once the body becomes cleaner from the healthy dietary changes, I guarantee you will begin to view things differently… the truth becomes apparent…yet you must step outside of it as it’s very difficult to see otherwise…

So dear friend, don’t tell me that you don’t think you can do it, that you love your meats & cheeses because if I managed to let it all go, in the situation I was in, anyone can… and if you continue down the same road, and continue to believe the lies and misinformation that humans require high protein diets for health, not only do you destroy your own health little by little, but you also contribute to needless death of animals & to destroying the planet to a larger degree than those who only ingest plants…so yes, it is my business, it’s all of our business, we are supposed to be here to protect the earth…

Don’t tell me to accept the choices of others when I can see the impact those choices have, we all reside here together… if I see someone doing something harmful, I’m going to point it out because I live here to, I care about the betterment of the people, the earthly inhabitants & our next generations…

Those who blindly allow their habits, traditions & addictions lead their lives when all this truth & information is in your face will ultimately face pain, serious health issues & become a burden to society & their families down the road…

If I can help prevent one person from continuing down the path to destruction, I am going to speak up…

That is apparently what I do…

Mariah 🍎 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self

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