
🌿There is obvious tension between the individuals that consume animal flesh/milks & those who opt for a vegan diet/lifestyle.

For valid reason…

Let’s face it, those who still consume meats & animal products are not doing our planet any favours-which it could so desperately use….

There also seems to be tension between the fruitarians or raw food eaters & those who chose to ingest cooked foods.

The way I see it, is in this day of information, eliminating animal products entirely is the least anyone can do to help our planet out, and their own health simultaneously – we all have a duty to ourselves & to the rest of the people/animals to do the least amount of harm possible.

The more health issues one experiences often causes one to examine their diets in time, and to eliminate the animal products entirely, but why wait until it’s almost to late? Do you truly want to become reliant on pharmaceuticals, hospitals & the allopathic community because they are not healing anyone..your also putting unnecessary burden upon your family & the planet… a ripple effect…

Now, it’s becoming quite obvious what foods are optimal for human health… we’ve all been equally mislead, tempted & taught to ingest the wrong foods for our bodies… this is why most of us suffer & I know, this is a lot to face & it’s a big deal to change ….

So, if a person has eliminated acid forming foods such as dairy, animal flesh, eggs or grains, they are exceptionally strong, informed & compassionate in this day & age…It takes a particularly strong individual to go against the grain…

Why should anyone care at this point if they are eating cooked vegan foods?… what does it matter if they want to stay raw or eat only a certain percentage raw?… who cares if someone wants to eat fruits only & who cares if they want to ferment, blend, juice or dehydrate or whatever to their food!  Anyone who manages to eliminate all animal meats & their products from their diet should be congratulated, not picked apart…

What’s important? The truth regarding the diet/ disease correlation is finally out there… we are not living in utter dietary darkness any longer & if we experience health issues, we are fully aware that we created them ourselves & we didn’t accidentally catch them somewhere. What’s important is that we know how to heal ourselves through detoxification.

My conclusion is that the tension between meat eating / animal product consumers, & vegans is necessary to a certain point because the latter is doing our planet a huge disservice – from the innocent animals that suffer, to the unlawful confinement & murder, to the vast amounts of land, water, medications, feed, etc. Used to maintain this insanity …There’s simply no good excuse to consume meats or animal products any longer.

As for the disconnect between those that are conscious enough to not participate in all the madness? The disconnect between which type of vegan or plant based eater one is, Ill say this:

I chose to be grateful that many individuals have come this far, & I am proud of their choices to be part of the change by taking their health into their own hands and eliminating the very harmful foods such as meats & animal products.

let us let go of the expectations we may or may not have with each other & celebrate positive change.

Here are my words of gratitude towards those individuals who have taken the biggest steps in life to lessen the harm to yourself, the beautiful animals & to the land…

Here’s to seeing through the deception and the normalization of animal eating & abuse… Here’s to taking your health into your own hands in order to heal thy self!

🌿Mariah – “Heal Thy Self” / Healthy Self..

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