HE tells me that we only live once, so we should eat anything we want…
I tell him that we only die once (that we know for certain), but we live for many days/years depending on what we ingest & how we treat ourselves (yes I know, many factors come into play, yet what we ingest is a large part of the health equation).
It’s about quality of life…It’s about Thriving over merely holding on or surviving…
Almost everyone eats what they want (or what their parasites & fungus/candida wants) only to eventually become a statistic, dependent on the medical system, pharmaceutical drugs, & a burden to their families…
who wants to be a burden on others? Especially when it could be preventable…
Eating primarily fruits & raw foods can give anyone the freedom & quality of life that others can only dream of…
I was in poor health my entire life & that felt normal to me, it wasn’t until the last 5 years of slowly restoring my health that I have something to compare what I used to feel like to… I once believed frequent headaches were common & not such a big deal, nothing a pharmaceutical couldn’t suppress! What a nightmare I endured slowly cleansing these drug residues from my body…
So, feel absolutely blessed that you came across this knowledge, many don’t get this opportunity because they haven’t come across it or because they simply cannot grasp it because of all of the dietary misinformation clouding truth…Most doctors will tell you that diet does not affect your health too much & to eat whatever you please…Doctors recommend high protein diets similar to how they used to recommend smoking camel cigarettes for health.
many individuals are stuck searching for answers for their health issues in paleo or ketogenic diets which inevitably pushes them further into poor health…never offering the remedy they so desperately seek…
he asks me if I ever crave other foods?
honestly, at one point my cravings were insatiable…but learning the affects that dead animals, all dairy & eggs have on our bodies health wise -was enough inspiration to find options to satisfy those cravings in a more healthful way…For myself, animals or their products will never be an option, I would rather fast for 7 days than eat any of it…
So, to get back to the “only living once “excuse in order to ingest whatever our taste buds crave?
No thanks, I know what it feels like to feel lethargic with daily headaches …. I will never forget what poor health felt like, and I don’t want to go back there…
Nothing tastes as good as health feels…
life is not all that it can be without your health…
we create our individual pain and only we can reverse that pain…
let’s age gracefully, with wisdom & vitality…
Mariah 🍎 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self….