What is meat (dead animal)?

A complex chain of amino acids…

 “Meat” requires an acid enzyme to break it down within our body…

Now your body must invoke more acids through hydrochloric acid & pepsin to do so…

The whole process involved with breaking down dead animal tissue becomes an acid process…

breaking down a complex chain of amino acids (high protein foods) comes at a cost…

the cost is YOUR energy, vitality and your bodies calcium…

Our blood steals calcium from our connective tissues to counteract the acid experience…to buffer, to neutralize, to compensate…

The blood does this to maintain its PH around 7.4…blood must always maintain this PH, that’s vital…

The higher the nitrogen content of the food, the more acidic or acid forming it is…

Fruits & vegetables are simple chained amino acids… they require less time & energy for the body to digest…less life force or vitality is required …

These processes alone should give one a clue as to what foods promote health and what foods promote acidosis (disease)….

Mariah 🍎 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self…

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