My Health Blog

What is detoxification? Let’s begin with the definition… There are plenty of definitions online, most of them describing detoxification as a “set of interventions”, or substances given to the body to cause detoxification. Mainstream Wikipedias definition is as follows: “Detoxification or detoxication (detox for short)[1] is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxicsubstances from a living organism, including the human body, […]

What is disease? Does disease develop from a dirty inner terrain? How do we know if our terrain is dirty or clean? For starters, at the very least, when we learn, and stop eating the foods that build disease and a toxic/dirty inner terrain, then we know (at the very least) that we are no […]

I wrote this quite some time ago which I feel is worth sharing once again. If I could, I would re -name the “flu season” to “ELIMINATION season”,(or to Detoxification Season) this way, people may get the correct idea that this “sickness” experienced stems from within, & isn’t something that they mysteriously “caught” from another […]

Ok, so nobody is perfect, and we all have our individual challenges, yet some of us strive for optimal health because we realize that good health is the foundation for quality of life, and in turn, a healthier planet. What we see all around us, on the outside, believe it or not, it is a […]

Variety is NOT always the spice of life when it comes to what we chose to CONsume… What is one major reason for stomach / bowel & digestive issues? Aside from our good intentions? Daily, Complicated food mixtures, complicated / concentrated vitamins/pills/supplements, etc. Health builds when simplicity is adopted…less is more in the healing world, […]

What is required of us to achieve longevity? Through my experience and research on this topic it appears to be the exact opposite to what most people believe. If I told you what I think is required of us to achieve longevity and a healthy life, you may say that I am crazy! Good thing […]

Hello Everyone, Im back! I am committing to writing here every Sunday morning, I’ve let my website sit for far to long and it’s not fair to anyone because I have so much to share on the topic of health and healing. My goal is to complete a book someday. I wanted to share my […]
This is lengthy, and I could have done a better job with organizing the passages, I jump around a bit – however, I feel it’s worth the read, it’s time to ponder these things & learn how to build health in order to thrive & to protect ourselves… Health is survival … Once you’re on […]

The more Obstructions present within, the more created friction in the body. Friction leads to a host of issues such as unwanted symptoms or intolerance to the summer heat…It is really that simple. A heat wave will serve to reveal your true state of health. If you feel tired, lethargic, too hot & uncomfortable, you […]