My Health Blog
Thermomix TM6

Healing isn’t a linear path… A healthier you is one step closer to a healthier world… There’s nothing more important (in my opinion) than building & maintaining good health so that we can live our best life. The way we feel has everything to do with how our life unfolds. The way we […]

Since uncovering what I consider to be the most detrimental series of lies foisted upon humanity under the guise of “tradition” & “human dietary needs”, I work daily to help others realize and understand these dietary untruths that only serve to keep people locked in unhealthy patterns. True health is wealth. Most of us have […]

Why Do We Take Supplements? What do we hope to gain from taking supplements? People all around the world take supplements in hopes that the supplements can help them to improve their declining health. Several reasons are given by the supplement and healthcare industry to convince the consumer that supplements are the answer for their health problems. What […]

This morning I’ve been Thinking how we are so conditioned and taught to believe by the medical industry that our body can turn on us at any time and attack, harm or kill us. This is backwards thinking, it is the opposite of reality. I’m reading some of Herbert Shelton’s writings on this subject and […]

Hey everyone, I had an amazing conversation with MsFit Vegan the other day that I thought I would share the link here for anyone that is interested in watching. We covered many important topics although it didn’t feel like we nearly had enough time to cover everything! I feel like I could have chatted with […]

I’m reading this book titled “How to Prolong Life” by Charles Watkyns de Lacy, Evans which I think was written in 1897 because there is a handwritten inscription with that date, otherwise there is no date that I can find in the book. It’s obvious by the language that it was written long ago. I […]

The Three Cycles of the body within a 24 hour period. Is there an optimal time to eat our meals? I would say that based on what we’ve learned about the three cycles that the body goes through within a 24 hour period – yes. I’ll note here that in this group we try to […]

🍎How do we build health in an unhealthy world ? We live in a world where the path for maintaining optimal health / healing is very unclear. The original path is overgrown, it’s difficult to see and there a plenty of other paths that are more appealing seeing how the majority of people take these […]

Here’s a passage from the book titled “Toxemia Explained “ by JH Tilden MD “Enervation per se is not disease. weakness, lost power, is not disease; but, by causing a flagging of the elimination of tissue waste, which is toxic, the blood becomes charged with toxin, and this we call Toxemia – poison in the […]