My Health Blog

What can we do when we become sick because our body is eliminating internal accumulated wastes? The answer may surprise you because of what we’ve been taught our entire lives by mainstream.

Juicing and smoothies have gained a lot of popularity among health enthusiasts, however, are they as healthy as most people tend to believe?

Im so excited to announce the release of my book on paperback and amazon kindle!

Are you ready to take your health into your own hands? If so, it’s important to know what to expect during the healing process.
The article below was written by Lauren Whiteman and I feel it’s such an important article shedding light on why a Raw Vegan diet is not to blame for the passing of Zhanna, please read on… “RAW VEGAN DIES OF STARVATION? HOW THE MEDIA SPINS CONTENT TO CREATE FEAR You may have seen a […]

Most products were created as compensation for our failing health. There’s nothing more satisfying than healing and bringing your body to good health only to realize that you no longer require any of it! This is true freedom, to be free of the products that we think we need because we no longer must compensate. […]

The inflammation, cold, flu, or other symptoms expressed by the body is the healing process! We may perceive taking a harmful herb such as Garlic as “helping” the body out with “healing” the cold or flu symptoms but that’s not the reality of what’s happening, quite the opposite. A cold or flu IS the body […]

Cleansing symptoms often become a concern because we expect to feel amazing and full of energy from the moment we begin eating as close to our natural diet as possible. We are putting in the effort, so why do we have to feel awful at times? I’m supposed to feel great! The body goes in […]

Do you want to learn how to get started with improving your health? Or have you been on the health path for awhile but lack motivation and the desire to build healthier habits? Our Terrain Diet support group may be the right fit for you, read on!