My Health Blog

Nightshades and lectins have received a bad reputation for being the cause of health issues, however, when we dive deeper we can clearly see that they are not the root cause for why people experience pain and inflammation.

Juicing and smoothies have gained a lot of popularity among health enthusiasts, however, are they as healthy as most people tend to believe?

Im so excited to announce the release of my book on paperback and amazon kindle!

Are you ready to take your health into your own hands? If so, it’s important to know what to expect during the healing process.

What is detoxification? Let’s begin with the definition… There are plenty of definitions online, most of them describing detoxification as a “set of interventions”, or substances given to the body to cause detoxification. Mainstream Wikipedias definition is as follows: “Detoxification or detoxication (detox for short)[1] is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxicsubstances from a living organism, including the human body, […]

Getting on track can be a challenge at times. This is why I am assisting with the 30 day Terrain Diet Challenge for the month of November on Facebook. Please join us…

A step by step tutorial on how to set up your Thermomix TM6 so that you can create healthy recipes at home in an easy and convenient way!

I wrote this quite some time ago which I feel is worth sharing once again. If I could, I would re -name the “flu season” to “ELIMINATION season”,(or to Detoxification Season) this way, people may get the correct idea that this “sickness” experienced stems from within, & isn’t something that they mysteriously “caught” from another […]

Ok, so nobody is perfect, and we all have our individual challenges, yet some of us strive for optimal health because we realize that good health is the foundation for quality of life, and in turn, a healthier planet. What we see all around us, on the outside, believe it or not, it is a […]