My Health Blog

I have first hand experience with this, 10+ years ago during my health issue years, I was living on a 7 acre organic farm attempting to do it all! I had believed then that milk, eggs and meat would heal my body if it was all raw and organic which is why I moved there […]

Hey everyone, I had an amazing conversation with MsFit Vegan the other day that I thought I would share the link here for anyone that is interested in watching. We covered many important topics although it didn’t feel like we nearly had enough time to cover everything! I feel like I could have chatted with […]

Over the last almost 9 years of my personal health journey, I’ve studied various authors, healers, and healthy living proponents in search of the correct information to heal and maintain my own health. I’ve participated in several fruitarian and raw groups, and for most of my journey I had considered what I had learned […]

What is detoxification? Let’s begin with the definition… There are plenty of definitions online, most of them describing detoxification as a “set of interventions”, or substances given to the body to cause detoxification. Mainstream Wikipedias definition is as follows: “Detoxification or detoxication (detox for short)[1] is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxicsubstances from a living organism, including the human body, […]

We blame genetics instead of examining our dietary / lifestyle choices. The truth is simple & everything is explainable -when we have the correct information. The problem with what’s going on today is that even the experts do not agree, and people can dig up scientific information that seems to validate and back up their […]

The way we look, feel, think, deal … The way we handle stress, and our reactions… Our emotional, and mental health … All of it, is a result, a summation of our past daily lifestyle/dietary habits to date. We are products of our choices… We create our reality through our choices… Of course events and […]

We all desire health, yet as soon as unwanted symptoms arise, our first instinct (through years/generations of conditioning) is to treat, suppress, or do something in response to that expressed symptom. We can’t just do nothing, can we? When I saw this quote, it inspired me to expand further on this topic. “DOING NOTHING” INTELLIGENTLY […]
Hey everyone, I just have to share this recipe everywhere because of how absolutely amazing it is. It is so versatile and can be prepared as a raw, or cooked vegan dish. Here’s my YouTube video explaining how to make it. I posted the link for the recipe in the description box of the […]
Have you ever tested the Thermomix vs the Vitamix when it comes to making healthy, vegan Nice cream? Well today I did, and the results were like night and day. Im sorry Vitamix, I think our relationship is over, I am now attracted to the Thermomix TM6 more than ever, the banana nice cream was epic!