My Health Blog
Arnold Ehret

Since uncovering what I consider to be the most detrimental series of lies foisted upon humanity under the guise of “tradition” & “human dietary needs”, I work daily to help others realize and understand these dietary untruths that only serve to keep people locked in unhealthy patterns. True health is wealth. Most of us have […]

I give thanks to everyone for their ongoing support over the years, I couldn’t have written this book without it.

Juicing and smoothies have gained a lot of popularity among health enthusiasts, however, are they as healthy as most people tend to believe?

Im so excited to announce the release of my book on paperback and amazon kindle!

Are you ready to take your health into your own hands? If so, it’s important to know what to expect during the healing process.

The inflammation, cold, flu, or other symptoms expressed by the body is the healing process! We may perceive taking a harmful herb such as Garlic as “helping” the body out with “healing” the cold or flu symptoms but that’s not the reality of what’s happening, quite the opposite. A cold or flu IS the body […]

Truth is Simple This information that we share about Natural Hygiene is nothing new, in fact it’s been around since the beginning. Today I thought I would share my collection of passages, quotes with a few of my own thoughts. Enjoy! “Natural Hygiene is a biological model that is based on hundreds of years of […]

Over the last almost 9 years of my personal health journey, I’ve studied various authors, healers, and healthy living proponents in search of the correct information to heal and maintain my own health. I’ve participated in several fruitarian and raw groups, and for most of my journey I had considered what I had learned […]

What is detoxification? Let’s begin with the definition… There are plenty of definitions online, most of them describing detoxification as a “set of interventions”, or substances given to the body to cause detoxification. Mainstream Wikipedias definition is as follows: “Detoxification or detoxication (detox for short)[1] is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxicsubstances from a living organism, including the human body, […]