1. Here is a little history  that I learned concerning Arnold Ehret in the late 1900s…I’ve studied & read his books numerous times –  I find them fascinating… he was truly ahead of his time, & our times… we are living in the dark ages when it comes to health & dietary requirements… allopathic practices & medical science is doing a  good job at keeping us there…

    Arnold Ehret was deemed terminally ill in the early 1900s ….he was diagnosed with “Bright’s disease” by medical doctors with not long to live…Ehret managed to heal himself, when no one else could (he had seen over a dozen naturopaths & doctors before giving up)… by complete accident!!

    Arnold Ehret climbed into his bed with the intention to STARVE himself to death, to KILL himself… he was so sick & exhausted from seeing doctor after doctor & finding no remedy….he was very sick & lost the will to live…after 7 days of lying in bed (I presume he was “dry fasting” because who decides to kill them self with water beside the bed?) Arnold  Ehret bounded out of bed with newfound energy & vitality- he accidentally healed himself!! This experience and newfound knowledge was his inspiration & drive to become an expert in the field of diet & fasting… he did much experimentation on himself with fruits, fasting & diet…later on Arnold Ehret opened a fasting sanitarium in Switzerland where it’s documented that he healed thousands of sufferers – from the def to the blind and even wheelchair bound individuals…

    Arnold Ehret conducted a controlled fast of 41 days for the government (he was under government watch) to prove that we do not receive our energy from food but rather from how clean & unobstructed our bodies are…the less friction within (waste) the more vitality & energy we have…I don’t believe this event was ever made public… Arnold Ehret was becoming a large threat to allopathic practices & pharmaceutical poisons which were just beginning to gain a foothold… Ehret also spoke  about the toxic vaccines way back then….I believe he was murdered on that foggy night… very suspicious!

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