Humans do not require high protein foods for health, what we require is the amino acids which is found in perfect ratios in fruits and vegetables…
Amino acids are the simple building blocks of Protein, what did that cow eat to build all that natural muscle? Amino Acids…
eating the flesh of a dead animal to extract the protein when that animal ate plants only to manufacture & create that protein that we humans think we can somehow extract from killing & cooking that animal for consumption?
think about it…
All this b12 nonsense is code for “malabsorption issues”…
if the body is lacking any vitamin or mineral, it’s not because you didn’t eat enough dead animals, it’s due to the impaction of the intestinal walls…the body cannot absorb nutrition from the food & generally the adrenal glands are down, which causes mineral utilization issues, which leads to low zinc, selenium and iron, etc…
when your adrenals are down, it leads to sugar metabolism issues (diabetes) and all sorts of issues from dizziness to autonomic nerve issues like asthma and shortness of breath…
Most people believe that a man- made isolated chemical or supplement (b12) is going to heal their issues, yet everyone knows that supplements are meant to be taken always because they so not heal the root cause of the health issue one is taking them for in the first place…
Supplements often add to acidic waste already present within the human body & throw chemistry off…
We need to heal the ROOT cause of our health issues, not suppress & mask them with supplements, pills, vitamins, etc.
The ROOT cause as to why we suffer are the damaged organs & glands most of us have, caused by ingesting a diet for many years that is NOT compatible with our physiology…
what foods generally lead to our suffering & symptoms?
Meats (animal flesh), Dairy or milk, eggs, grains, processed foods, fast foods, etc. that most of us have been taught throughout our life to be necessary for health…
The complex, mucus / acid forming & hard to digest chemistry is the CAUSE of health issues, however, because the advertisements & mainstream dietary recommendations teach us the “age old lie” that our bodies need high protein foods to survive, everyone eats them…
And guess what?
Almost everyone is suffering with health issues to one degree or another…
I have to say, I’ve personally come a long way in my own life with healing health issues that medical doctors told me I would suffer with for a lifetime, that pharmaceuticals were the answer and that ingesting dead animals for “protein” or “b12” was necessary for my health…
That advice that I received more than once was inaccurate- as I’ve proved the opposite to be true on all accounts. Please, use your intuition and do not take the word of someone just because they spent many years in school to learn what was written in a textbook that may or may not be correct. These people are not allowed to exercise their own form of judgement, even if they want to as they must always stick to taught protocol for liability reasons…
These days, if you truly wish to solve your health issues, you must learn the truth when it comes to the diet/disease correlation & learn how to heal thy self…
Mariah 🍎 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self…