As you may or may not be aware, Lauren Whiteman, Nat Farris and myself run a “Terrain Model Support Group” on Facebook where we help to assist people with not only learning about our Natural Human Diet, but we offer support throughout the entire month. We answer any questions that may arise, supply a guide complete with recipe idea’s, shopping lists and helpful information and we write daily inspirational informative posts for people to read. Here is something that Lauren Whiteman wrote that I just had to share, it’s an amazing piece.
“Disease is not a mystery or an accident
When most people think about a disease they think in terms of sudden onset or sudden diagnosis. A person goes to the doctor feeling not their best and gets told they have diabetes or cancer. A person has a heart attack or a stroke and is rushed to the hospital.
As a society, we tend to treat these as happening out of the blue with no warning. In reality, we ignored every warning, but in our minds and in the minds of those around us, the disease simply attacked without warning.
The for-profit medical industrial complex of course reinforces this idea. When you go to the Doctor they don’t explain to you step by step how your disease was built. In fact, in most cases they cannot tell you how the disease happened at all, they simply tell you that its “luck of the draw”, “you just got unlucky”, “bad genes” or some other lie that keeps you from understanding the cause and having any ability to create your own cure.
The reality is though, your disease started long, long ago. In fact, your disease started with the first cry of the discomfort of infancy. The first colic, first indigestion, the first burping and spitting up as your parents held you in their arms. You were too young to communicate to your parents the pain their food choices were causing you.
Powerless to communicate the pain the formula feeding was causing at every meal, so you simply cried, day and night and your parents simply forced more food into you every time you did, with round-the-clock feedings.
Sleep deprived, your parents had no idea that the substances they forced into your body were the source of your discomfort so they with the best of intentions and being cheered on by all of society and medicine, kept stuffing you full of acidic breast milk or toxic formula, followed closely thereafter by animal secretions and tissues, cereals of high protein acidic grains, indigestible eggs, processed cheerios, cooked baby “foods”.
Note: Breast milk from a mother eating a clean natural diet is not acidic or irritating and is the only food a newborn should be fed until they are old enough to wean onto fruit juices and then fruits. A mother eating cooked foods, irritants, spices, drinking coffee, etc pushes all of those toxins and irritants through her milk into the child, which creates irritation making the child irritable. Since the child’s body has more vitality than the mother’s, the mother is no longer capable of feeling the irritation and inflammation that results from her inappropriate for her physiology food choices but the high vitality of the infant means their body responds right away to these irritants. Breast milk is still the only suitable food for a child, but the mother must eat fully natural and fully raw whole foods, a fruit-centered diet to avoid causing cellular injury and discomfort to the child.
Layer by layer the toxic substances built upon one another and your body became more toxic with less vitality to remove the injurious substances.
Early in life, your body responded with rashes and frequent colds. Eventually, protein poisoning sepsis, better known as “chicken pox”, “measles”, “mumps” or “scarlet fever” came and went. Detox rashes, eczema, colds, fevers, and flu came and went throughout childhood but still, we stuff the child with cooked and denatured foods, ignoring warning after warning of the body in distress.
As we reach middle school the energy to produce frequent cleanouts, aka colds, lags, and our colds become less frequent. By our teen years, we are rarely having them even yearly. Our bodies have moved from stages 1& 2 of disease – the constructive symptoms, the expulsion symptoms, and we are moving into the chronic and degenerative conditions.
We start to experience acne as our chronically dehydrated lymph gets backed up and our fat-laden diet clogs up our elimination pathways. We get more and more frequent headaches, our energy lags, we need coffee, tea, or other stimulants to make it through each day, or we stimulate ourselves in other ways with exercise or drugs.
We no longer possess the vibrant energy of youth. Yet here we ignore our body’s cries yet again. Our body screams at us for rest – physical and physiological rest – fasting, abstaining from any more poisons going into our mouth for just a short while. Instead, we drink more coffee to stay awake, alcohol or pot to go to sleep, eat refined sugar for a rush, and eat heavy fatty meals to bring us back down.
We set the body on a constant roller coaster of stimulants and depressants. We develop aches and pains. Basic movements become more difficult. We wake up with sore muscles, we pull a muscle simply walking or getting up off the couch. We call it “normal aging”. It’s anything but normal. Common maybe, but normal it is not.
Every step along the way we are taught to ignore the warnings and then we are taken by surprise when our body “suddenly” fails us.
Disease is progressive, building day by day, 3 meals per day, with every bite of cooked, processed, and denatured foods you put in your mouth. Just as disease progresses in a negative direction, health can be achieved progressively as well. By abstaining from that which creates disease, from stopping the input of poisons, by supplying the basic needs of life we can walk back the progress of disease, we can return to a state of health, we can recover the vibrant energy of our youth but we have to start listening to our body and to do so, we need to know what to listen for.
Disease is never an accident, it is the result of many hundreds and thousands of mistakes in living that we make day after day, year after year because of the false things we have been taught. Disease is reversible and 100% in your control if you learn how to eliminate the mistakes you have been taught.
Ready to make changes but not sure how to begin? Need some motivation or accountability? Why not join our 30-Day Terrain Model Diet Support and Education Group: New Groups start on the 1st of every month!
Eat fruit and be well my friends” – Lauren Whiteman