Deep thoughts on How to Age decently…

Age occurs through a gradual accumulation of dehydrating/acidic waste which serves to block energy flow, creating stagnation throughout the lymphatic system.

Accumulated waste is “dehydration”, aging is a symptom of a deeper root cause with gradual results.

Chronic dehydration doesn’t just happen because of “lack of water”, it happens overtime,  through the daily ingestion of dehydrating, mucus forming, salty, acid forming, complex foods/chemistry – such as Meats, Eggs, Dairy, Fish,

Processed/fried/fast/preservative filled packaged foods, artificial drinks/alcohol, smoking, poor air quality, dehydrating/acid forming pharmaceutical use, chlorinated/fluoridated/chemical laden tap water, etc.

Chronic dehydration causes premature aging symptoms, and arguably, most of our aging symptoms period.

You see, I am certain that humans once lived considerably longer lives than we do today, even though, this statement directly contradicts that which we are led to believe.  I draw this “certainty” through my research (books, researchers & authors I’ve discovered) & through acquired knowledge of the human body, it’s correct fuel source, and the fact that we humans are not eating (or living) in accordance with our “species specific diet” – far from it.  I draw this certainty from experience so far, and through witnessing a few aging symptoms on myself reverse overtime combined with pure instinct – which everyone will jump all over this statement & use it against me, claiming that this is not “scientific enough or peer reviewed”.

I always felt, from a very young age. that life seemed cruel (on many levels, not just aging), I mean, why would we get a few healthy, youthful years – only to grow (or develop) into old age, a gradual weakening & acidification of the whole body & into eventual suffering as a result?  A result of living? That just doesn’t seem right, unless we are doing something wrong…

As a collective, this is what we’ve reduced  ourselves to over many generations of poor dietary/lifestyle choices, we’ve developed an acceptance, & an all knowing, surrounding aging because everyone is doing it…It seems to happen to everyone….some sooner than others…

However, similar to the typical scenario, which we all know very well, where a group of individuals come together & one of those individuals is “sick” (elimination, cold & flu like symptoms)  not every single person in that group “catches” that sickness (technically no one “catches” it – we can discuss germ theory later), so some of the individuals do not experience those symptoms, while the rest do? This fact alone should entice one to dig deeper…

It all boils down to the individuals “inner terrain” (ones current state of health), and the individuals who do not get sick – are not in need of purging, or elimination, at that time…We do not “catch” sickness, we develop sickness, there is always a reason, nature is brilliant & possesses an innate ability to heal if allowed to take it’s course when necessary.

All our problems arise from a initial lack of understanding, followed by poor course of action as a result.

Elimination, (cold/flu/fever like symptoms) is the bodies attempt to throw off, or eliminate excess waste – as a form of protection…

The “doctors” of today do not understand the bodies eliminative process, for if they did, they would not proceed to “treat” & “suppress” the elimination process with drugs, surgeries & disease forming dietary advice… They are experts with harming the patient further in these types of cases.

Correction:  “He didn’t die from Pneumonia, he died from the treatment administered for that “Pneumonia”.  Pneumonia is the bodies attempt once again to throw of excess waste in order to save itself…

If we “caught” sickness, everyone would get sick, in every scenario, every single time, no exceptions.&  no one would be spared the exact -same- fate as each other…

Back to aging ourselves unnecessarily, I am certain that with the correct diet/lifestyle, we can minimize (or possibly end) our seemingly inevitable suffering resulting in a slowing down of the aging process considerably…

It boils down to Hydration through diet…

Drinking water is not a remedy for poor dietary choices…It does not compensate like we would love to believe.

That which you choose to ingest is either hydrating the body, or dehydrating the body… you choose, always…

Our choices matter, every single choice we make is building, creating, affecting & causing who you are & how your body expresses itself.

We will become what we deserve…

And aging?

Just learn the foods that we “as a species” are designed to eat – versus the foods that we are “not designed to eat” (which cause aging symptoms) & proceed to make the healthiest decisions possible, in every given moment of your life!

That’s not to much to ask is it?

Happy healing everyone…

Mariah Heal ThySelf…

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